Counseling Options

At Whole Woman’s Health, we understand that the Internet is a great tool for finding information and support. It can be an excellent resource to help you in your decision-making process or with post-abortion healing.

More Counseling Options

Unfortunately, as you search online, you may come across information that is negative, anti-choice, or just plain wrong. We want you to access accurate and honest information when searching online. These links are pro-choice and supportive.


This website will guide you through the decision-making process on the “in clinic” abortion procedure or pill method.


A resource for those who may have religious or spiritual questions regarding abortion. Faith Aloud provides free counseling and many other great resources for women.


Get accurate, unbiased information on a variety of reproductive health rights, including abortion.


This free talk line offers a safe and confidential space for pregnant people and their loved ones to talk openly about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption.


The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) offers resources on clarifying one’s spiritual beliefs around abortion, as well as a comprehensive list of publications for download on individual religions’ stances on choice.


This site is a “voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health.”