
Why I Took Texas Back to Court.

In July, we filed our second post HB2 lawsuit, Whole Woman’s Health vs. Paxton, less than one year after our historic Whole Woman’s Health Supreme Court victory. Our landmark case confirmed what we’ve known all along – Texas can’t place restrictions on access to abortion that create an undue burden for the women seeking care. But even after such a powerful SCOTUS victory, in the 2017 Texas legislative session politicians introduced more than 45 bills that attempting to restrict women’s access to necessary abortion care.

As we take Texas back to court today, it is vital we all remain committed to resisting the political attacks against women and our healthcare. We must never get comfortable with this hostile landscape.

At Whole Woman’s Health, we are committed to providing quality care in communities across the country that need us – particularly those with targeted restrictions on abortion care, like Texas. Not only do we provide health care in our communities, but we are dedicated to changing the culture around abortion, eradicating stigma, and fighting to make sure women have access to quality abortion care.

With this lawsuit, we are fighting back against Senate Bill 8, which threatens access to abortion care and poses an undue burden on women seeking an abortion in the second trimester. This bill passed into law as one of many attempts by politicians to control our bodies and restrict our constitutional right to safe abortion care. Take note– these politicians are not doctors, nor do they have medical backgrounds.

We are experts in abortion care and as healthcare providers, we know these restrictions undermine our doctors’ ability to provide the individualized care that’s best for our patients. Doctors and medical professionals should be able to use our best medical judgment, instead of having to comply with unnecessary restrictions that are politically motivated and do not have women’s health and safety in mind.

This D&E ban is an abortion ban, plain and simple. It is an obvious attempt to eliminate abortion access for Texas women. Lawmakers can’t make abortion illegal, so they are creating bills that make a safe, necessary procedures more difficult to obtain.

Texans deserve better.

Access to safe abortion care is a human rights issue; reproductive freedom for women is about equality, self-determination and autonomy. We cannot let our opposition pretend that they have our best interests in mind. Women are the best experts in our own lives.

We refuse to let these political attacks whittle away at our healthcare options, or take away our constitutional rights. The women in our communities deserve true equality, and that is our ultimate goal. After all, justice is a constant push back against those who want to keep us down.

As Whole Woman’s Health heads to court this week, we stay strong knowing that we continue to stand on the right side of history and we invite you to stand with us.

Thank you.

Whole Woman’s Health is serving as plaintiff against the state of Texas as it attempts to restrict abortion access for women. Local lawmakers can’t make abortion illegal, so they are creating bills like SB8 that make a safe, necessary procedure more difficult to obtain. Texas women deserve better. Keep politicians out of women’s health care by donating today to Whole Woman’s Health Alliance.
