In Texas and other states, anti-choice activists will try and trick women seeking abortion care into carrying their pregnancies to term. To do this, they often lead them to a fake clinic called a Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC).
CPCs are funded primarily through anti-choice license plates sold by the State of Texas, but some have even received federal funding as of July, 2006. These places often offer pregnancy tests on site, and if the test comes out positive, they will use coercive and deceptive tactics to convince women to continue the pregnancy rather than discussing all options. They typically oppose the use of birth control and condoms, give false information about the effectiveness of those methods, and will preach that abstinence is the best option even for someone who is already pregnant. Most Crisis Pregnancy Centers are religiously affiliated and are operated by massive anti-choice organizations like Care Net, Heartbeat International, Birthright International, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA).
If you or someone you know is seeking an abortion, always make sure and check that the clinic you are going to is an abortion facility and not a CPC. Even if you search for abortion on Google, you are likely going to see ads for “free pregnancy tests” that are coming from CPCs right next to the ads for actual licensed abortion clinics. To help you make sure that the place you’re going is not going to mislead you, we’ve created an interactive map to outline where these CPCs are in Texas:
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=200759478090318257390.0004e43d4adab64daa372&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=30.939924,-100.107422&spn=9.040103,14.0625&z=6&output=embed&w=640&h=480]
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