Our Founder and CEO, Amy Hagstrom Miller, had the privilege of participating in a panel last night with Heather Busby of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, Christian Cabazos of YWCA Greater Austin, Amelia Long of The Lilith Fund, and Paula X. Rojas of Vibrant Woman/Mama Sana. The panel served as a great discussion of what’s coming with House Bill 2, when the lawsuit will be announced, and what it means when physicians are required to have hospital admitting privileges. Though there wasn’t time to answer everyone’s questions, the overall atmosphere was upbeat, productive, and it seemed that the discussion helped many people find peace of mind.
These Stand with Texas Women events will continue throughout the week with an even tonight in Fort Worth and an event in Dallas on Thursday. If you’re in Austin tomorrow or on Thursday, you can also participate in a public hearing with the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) where they will be considering amendments to House Bill 2. These public hearings are a great opportunity for us to go directly to who will be enforcing the law and tell them why this bill needs to be reconsidered.
63 days left and this movement is stronger than ever.